Post by s***@gmail.comHello, I am doing an academic work, and one of the activities is to find out which storage engine Db2 used, I already researched a lot, but this information is not so easy to find as for example would be for DBMS MySQL, so I wonder if someone from here would have this information and can share it.
I thank you for your attention.
Db2 RDBMS is a proprietary set of products from IBM and it has at least three distinct separate source-code bases (for Z/OS mainframes, for i-Series (formerly AS/400), for Linux/Unix/Windows). Functionality differs between the platforms. The RDBMS engine is different for all three and is proprietary and trade secret of IBM.
The code that is in 'IBM Db2 Express' is the same as the code that is in Db2 for Linux/Unix/Windows (the licence controls which functionality is available, along with the hardware).
Depending on the licence and the hardware on which it runs, Db2 for Linux/Unix/Windows lets you choose row-based tables, column-based tables (in-memory ) and different physical layout options , including range-partitioning, logical-partitioning, physical partitioning. Db2-LUW does not offer different index types, regular indexes are B+ trees, unless the table is range-clustered. Indexes can be partitioned, and distributed (subject to licence and hardware).