2010-09-11 07:36:56 UTC
If a column is defined as SMALLINT, and one does a SUM (or other similar
function) on that column, the result is an INT. However, if the column is an
INT, the result of the SUM function remains an INT.
This is causing overflow on our data warehouse queries that are
automatically generated by a point and click tool (such as Cognos), and we
cannot ask end users to customize the SQL to cast the result as BIGINT,
because it is all point and click and they never see the SQL.
Any chance of getting DB2 to automatically make SUM function result into
BIGINT if the table column is INT? How do I request such an enhancement from
Having to define the detail columns as BIGINT just because a column may be
SUM'ed will waste a lot space in our warehouse since we have billions of
function) on that column, the result is an INT. However, if the column is an
INT, the result of the SUM function remains an INT.
This is causing overflow on our data warehouse queries that are
automatically generated by a point and click tool (such as Cognos), and we
cannot ask end users to customize the SQL to cast the result as BIGINT,
because it is all point and click and they never see the SQL.
Any chance of getting DB2 to automatically make SUM function result into
BIGINT if the table column is INT? How do I request such an enhancement from
Having to define the detail columns as BIGINT just because a column may be
SUM'ed will waste a lot space in our warehouse since we have billions of