Joachim Tuchel
2018-03-01 12:41:08 UTC
Hi there,
we've got this Ubuntu Linux machine (16.04) runnuing DB2 Express C 11.1. We see the following error almost daily, sometimes two to three times a day:
SQL1224N The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request because of an error or a forced interrupt. SQLSTATE=55032 [Native Error=-1224]
Not every connected user has this problem, others can continue their work and only realize the DB is a bit slower.
I am not asking you to tell me what the problem is, because I am quite sure it's just not that easy.
But how would I approach this problem from here? What are steps 1,2,3 etc. to get a better understanding of what is going on? Where to look, what to try, who to ask once I know more about the trouble? Where can I find documentation on how to narrow down on problems?
Things we've checked: the kernel parameters SHMM... look just like what's suggested in the manuals. The machine has lots of unused memory, the DB is far below 1 Gig in size, so it is not one of the easy things like not enaugh ram or such.
Thanks for tips!
we've got this Ubuntu Linux machine (16.04) runnuing DB2 Express C 11.1. We see the following error almost daily, sometimes two to three times a day:
SQL1224N The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request because of an error or a forced interrupt. SQLSTATE=55032 [Native Error=-1224]
Not every connected user has this problem, others can continue their work and only realize the DB is a bit slower.
I am not asking you to tell me what the problem is, because I am quite sure it's just not that easy.
But how would I approach this problem from here? What are steps 1,2,3 etc. to get a better understanding of what is going on? Where to look, what to try, who to ask once I know more about the trouble? Where can I find documentation on how to narrow down on problems?
Things we've checked: the kernel parameters SHMM... look just like what's suggested in the manuals. The machine has lots of unused memory, the DB is far below 1 Gig in size, so it is not one of the easy things like not enaugh ram or such.
Thanks for tips!