DB2 10.5 for Windows Encryption with Vormetric Data Encryption
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2017-05-22 09:09:34 UTC
I am using Vormetric encryption to guard my DB2 database containers. The path guarded is E:\INSHVDB\NODE0000\HVDB

The instance name is INSHVDB and DB Name is HVDB. I installed the Vormetric Agent and guarded the above path and then proceeded to create the DB. It returns error SQL0970N The system attempted to write to a read-only file. SQLSTATE=55009. When I unguard the path, I am able to create the DB successfully.

I am using DB2 10.5 WSE and Vormetric Agent Version

Funny thing is I am able to create DB when it is guarded with DB2 10.1 ESE.
Appreciate if anyone can assist with what I am missing,

Thank you

Luiz da Silva
2017-05-25 16:46:39 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
I am using Vormetric encryption to guard my DB2 database containers. The path guarded is E:\INSHVDB\NODE0000\HVDB
The instance name is INSHVDB and DB Name is HVDB. I installed the Vormetric Agent and guarded the above path and then proceeded to create the DB. It returns error SQL0970N The system attempted to write to a read-only file. SQLSTATE=55009. When I unguard the path, I am able to create the DB successfully.
I am using DB2 10.5 WSE and Vormetric Agent Version
Funny thing is I am able to create DB when it is guarded with DB2 10.1 ESE.
Appreciate if anyone can assist with what I am missing,
Thank you
Have you considered native encryption? https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.sec.doc/doc/c0061758.html